Customized College List HERO
Customized College List : $1,999
This service is the best investment you will find. Not only will having the right list save you money, it will provide the best college experience for your student.
Where you apply matters!
This is the HERO differentiator—we respect budget without compromising your student’s experience.
- Family meeting to discuss academic goals and financial considerations
- Access to our Cost HERO budget calculator
- Advisor’s recommended college list
- Instructions on how to research college options
- Final list revision and review
- Strategic advice session, crafting a stand-out profile:
What activities matter to colleges?
How do I write a good resume?
How do I request letters of recommendation?

Steps To College HERO
Steps to college : $4,995
Does the process of finding and applying to the best colleges for your student seem overwhelming? There are many details to consider throughout Junior and early Senior year—we are here to help keep your student organized and on schedule.
The Steps to College course combines live webinars and 1-on-1 sessions for a full year with experts in:
- College Admissions – Customized College List (above), plus:
- Cognitive Profile Assessment
- Essay Review
- Recommendations for standardized test preparation
We will cover standardized testing strategies, how to develop a targeted college list, how to write a winning essay, and much more. Questions? Email the Director.

Essay Support Services
Our essay specialist helps students improve their personal statement and college-specific essays by brainstorming ideas and developing a strong theme. We pay attention to polish, proofreading, and grammar.
Hourly quoted by number of colleges and supplemental essays. To learn more, schedule a short meeting.

College Funding Services
Our specialist will create a college funding plan or offer advice by the hour, that is manageable for your budget and provides the best academic options for your student.
Hourly quoted. Please request a free consultation.